Yeah, look what you’re doing. (Would your mama be proud?) - Aridni
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Yeah, look what you’re doing. (Would your mama be proud?)

In our dreams of wealth, my biggest worry is that we forget those who really need us. They might be people who fight like crazy and never generate success to feed their families. Or they might be our church, favorite organization, a campaign for change!

We dream of money, moolah, currency, and cold cash. But what are we giving back? I’m still trying to balance out the best ratio. I’m not even sure if there is such a thing, as long as we hold compassion.

We can be compassionate by giving: money or time. The funniest thing, though, would be knowing that in the end, I feel like I may have received a reward greater than my time or money could have provided. Maybe some day I’ll have the money to have a college library named after me. But in the meantime, a whole lot of organizations are calling my name in town, the people entering the soup kitchen need to be fed, the soup kitchen cannot afford enough potatoes, and trash gathers along the fences. I have to go!