Modest Approaches or Shameless Self Promotion? - Aridni
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Modest Approaches or Shameless Self Promotion?

I just ran into this article about finding the balance between self promotion and integrity. Where do you draw the line, and how should you promote yourself towards you boss and others? Without isolating yourself of course.

The ideas in the article come from a book called Selling Yourself without Selling Out: A Leader’s Guide to Ethical Self-Promotion. I haven’t read it yet; however I hope to get a chance to pick it up sometime this fall.

The five ideas in this article are:

  1. Educate up.
  2. Expand your network.
  3. Tap other people’s expertise.
  4. Acknowledge your team.
  5. Celebrate success.

Check out the whole article over at Marketwatch. Of course they have a description and example on each of those five ideas.