The Consequences of Consumption – Are They a Problem? - Aridni
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The Consequences of Consumption – Are They a Problem?

What would the world look like if everyone lived like you and me? The reality is, of course, that the world would be pretty disgusting. We consume a heck of a lot. Luckily, all 6.6 billion people on the world don’t live like you and I do.

But what are the consequences of our decisions? A great site,, will calculate how many earths we would need if everyone had the life that you have, from the foods we eat, homes we live in, and amount of trash we generate. Go play the game for yourself.

A lot of Gen Y Americans score around 7 earths or more, so I thought I’d be set–I don’t eat meat or drive alone much. I recycle and use programable thermostats… and we’d need 2.7 earths to sustain people like me. With all my effort, I’m still failing.

Go check out your score and share your thoughts with us.