Why the key to real estate isn’t a real estate license - Aridni
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Why the key to real estate isn’t a real estate license

An elderly man once told me that every person should hold a real estate license. “Sure,” I answered, feeling quite indifferent.

Several years later, I am here about to earn a real estate license. I finally understand what the man meant (or should have meant). Every intelligent person needs to take the time to understand real estate. Getting a real estate license is one method, though not the only strategy. Read books, blogs (hint hint), talk to people, and jump into the market yourself. A real estate license will teach you the rules; the license won’t teach you a thing about real estate investing.

The reason you need to know about real estate investing is that it usually comes through. Around 30 years ago, the federal government started tracking average home prices. Some areas have experienced a downfall here and there, though these spots are rare. Average home prices have yet to demonstrate a year-to-year decline.

People sell for money, and people buy with emotion. If you know nothing else about real estate, know this fact. Of course, you buy and sell just about everything with the same feelings. But a house holds far more impact than a candy bar that’ll disappear before the next stoplight, anyway. Every property is unique.