SWOT your life - Aridni
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SWOT your life

The buzzword in successful business marketing has long been the SWOT Analysis, a method of quickly defining:
S = your Strengths
W = your Weaknesses
O = environment’s Opportunity
T = environment’s Threat

My question is why none of us implements this strategy in our own lives, figuring out what we most excel at. This marketing term can easily be flipped to figure out how YOU can mazimize your wealth.

For example, I’m an efficient typer’a strength. Yet outside of basic computer skills, I know little’weakness! Now what aspects of my typing skills could be used to make some money? Looking at business around me, I have an opportunity to start my own type-for-pay business. Yeah, opportunity. Too bad most people can already type and such companies already exist’weakness. Maybe typing isn’t the direction to go. (You can sigh with relief that my get-rich-some-day scheme doesn’t include this business strategy.)

In my attempts to figure out the perfect job, perfect business, and perfect career for myself, I think the SWOT might help. You might find the same’