Top Reads of the Week - Aridni
Personal Finance
Entrepren- eurship
Building Business
Debt Destruction
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Top Reads of the Week

After talking with Katie earlier this week, we thought it would be a good idea to do a weekly segment where we highlight some of the great posts that we find out there in the wide world. With that, here are a couple of great articles that I have run across.

Ten things I wish my parents taught me about money
Don’t take financial advice from broke people – I fell for the myth that you need to build your credit score, because people told me to do it, and what did I know? So I went out and picked up a credit card and found my self with $500 in credit card debt without even realizing where it went just a few months after having a credit card! I’m lucky that I realized that credit cards only make the bank rich and enable you to spend money that you don’t have!

It looks like some of Matthew’s advice had to be learned the hard way!

5 Skills That Will Help Your Startup
In a Small Business Administration study, five characteristics were identified as the most important predictors of an entrepreneur’s success.
1. Drive is the most important attribute.
2. Thinking ability encompasses creativity, critical thinking, analytical abilities and originality.
3. People skills are the ability to motivate employees, sell customers, negotiate with suppliers and convince lenders.

While this article really doesn’t contain much about actually helping with your business, it has a couple points to research further. It’s really more psychology of entroprenours.

5 Simple Ways to Make the Most of Your Intelligence
Your brain needs exercise just like a muscle. If you use it often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus. But if you never use your brain, or abuse it with harmful chemicals, your ability to think and learn will deteriorate.

Here are 5 simple ways anyone can squeeze a bit more productivity out of the old gray matter.

This article has some great ideas to whip your brain into shape. Some of them of course are going to be a little harder to adapt to than the others, but some might help you more than others.

Thanks to eFIPO for making ‘How to buy your first house‘ the featured article of the Under 30 Carnival this past week, and congrats to Katie for crafting a superb article!

Next Sunday Katie will bring you some of the articles and posts that she finds.