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The meaning of a dream

A lot of people ask Todd and I what Aridni stands for. Guy Kawaski, author of the blog, “How to Change the World“, has an explanation for crazy entity names that don’t necessarily mean anything at all!

    A remarkable name for your organization, product, or service is like pornography: It’s hard to define, but you know it when you see it.

Is it better to let your dream die or do a poor job?

For about the last year and a half I have had an idea for a web application that I think would be absolutely great. Everyone who I have talked to about the idea has told me that it is a great idea.

It wouldn’t really make a great business, as there is no obvious revenue source that can be taken that would allow for the objectivity and credibility that I want for this idea. Of course this doesn’t mean that the site couldn’t make money, but that’s one of the things that would have to be addressed.

The second thing holding me back is my lack of programming skills. I could probably fumble along and put something together that would roughly do what I’m looking for; however the loss of features and functionality would be substantial.

If I were to pay a programmer that would most likely cost me a couple thousand dollars at least for a bare-bones version of the application. And that’s not really something that I can do for something that has no way of making money. It’s hard to gain investors when you say, “I’ve got an idea that will probably make the world a better place, but won’t return any money for a long time, if ever.”

I think that people on the internet would really embrace this project, and I would really like it to go through. What will the atmosphere be like on the internet in two years? What if I don’t get to it for five years and the internet is a completely different place? I know that just two years ago the internet was a different place. I think the application would be a little harder to launch today than it would have been two years ago; however defiantly not impossible.

So that’s where I start wondering, would it be better to spend all of my spare time to work on my project or to just let the dream die?

What if you only had 15 minutes to accomplish your dreams?

Earlier this week I had a brief break from ‘boring mundane task #1’ and ‘boring mundane task #2.’ During this time I had to accomplish absolutely as much as possible in this amount of time as I could.

One quick note, when I say boring mundane task, I am referring to something that is obligated to be done, but won’t increase your wealth.

As BMT1 wrapped up, I immediately went to work attempting to get one step closer to my dreams. In this case, it was two important phone calls and tweaking some code. Both of the phone issues still need a follow-up, but the other item on the list is good forever.

Of course every time that I get a break it doesn’t end up as productive as this one, and hopefully I can have more such as this one in the future. Life takes planning, and there is an element of strategy involved as well. So when your 15 minutes comes around be ready for it. Have your time planned out and go accomplish things!

Weekend homework: dream up your squad quads

This weekend, pull out that handy notepad and pencil. We want you to make a list of forty, yeah forty, people who are money making or managing machines.

Over the next two years, plan on spending time with every one of them. Plan on meeting them, studying them, talking with them, and imitating them. Once you’ve tapped at their vision, we’re pretty sure that they’ll have provided you with the tools to not only emulate them… but maybe even exceed their achievements.

Even if you don’t get around to meeting some of these people, right now, we want you to jot down the reasons you think these people should be added to your list. What makes them admirable? How can you follow their paths?

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