An Age Old Idea Still Rings True… Just Hard to Accomplish - Aridni
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An Age Old Idea Still Rings True… Just Hard to Accomplish

Humans have struggled to gain money and power for centuries. In some places, the desire leads to bloodshed and abuse. The desire for money is constant. If it weren’t, sites like Aridni wouldn’t be around. Creating wealth can be done in positive ways, like the cliché about teaching people to fish instead of feeding them a fish.

The basic formula for financial success on any level is simple. Spend less than you earn. In Charles Dickens’ classic novel, David Copperfield, David noted:

    Annual income, twenty pounds; annual expenditure, nineteen six. Result: happiness.
    Annual income, twenty pounds; annual expenditure, twenty pound ought and six. Result: misery.

So spend less than you have’what a simple theory with abundant results. Piling debt and fees from overdraft accounts and late credit card payments abound when we step from under the wing of our parents. Building a nest egg is impossible… unless you pinch a few pennies or work a little more to create savings.

I don’t know of any way around debts when you’re young’school loans, mortgages, car loans and credit cards maybe. Some experts think that investing any money while carrying debt is plain stupid. They’re right if your money is sitting in the bank, accomplishing nothing.

Then again, my net worth is growing because I carry debt. My real estate investments are carried by the bank. If I didn’t hold debt on these projects, I wouldn’t be able to have these investments. What’s the correct answer? It depends on the individual. You have to know your desires and goals to grasp just how much money you need to be saving and growing.

The battle for money is all a game. We all have to decide on how much we want and how hard we’re willing to work. As a friend always reminds me, “If making lots of money were easy, then everyone would be doing it.” Everyone isn’t. They’re content with the “rat race”. The question is’are you content?