Real estate that saves your wallet, but not much more - Aridni
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Real estate that saves your wallet, but not much more

When people have to cut a few bucks on their construction budget, the number one answer is always the same: spend less on the exterior.

I’m not only talking about crappy landscaping jobs. I’m talking about the money invested into the building itself. Cheaper bricks, stucco spaces as shortcuts, fake brick and stones, vinyl siding… the list goes on, and the appearance shows.

Curb appeal has huge influence. If two accounting firms build side-by-side, my guess is that more potential clients will walk into the more attractive building. It’s human nature; we like nice stuff!

Have you ever seen a real estate advertisement that only shows the picture of a lobby? There’s a reason the image is the storefront.

Drive through new commercial areas, and you can see what I mean. Sure some business types don’t need an elaborate exterior. But would you go to a homebuilder who works from a shack and ask him to build your dream home?

The companies that invest an additional $5,000 to the exterior of their buildings will increase their mortgage around $14.00/month in a 30 year loan. If you’re the more attractive accounting firm, I wonder how much extra business your exterior attracts. More than $14.00/month?

Either way, the resale value is much higher.

Now think in terms of your own home. Click here for a potentially useful site that really shows how much a bit of fresh paint and other outdoor details can spice your place up. Don’t forget landscaping. This summer, Money magazine reported that attractive landscaping can allow you to recover 100 to 200 percent of your investment when you sell.