Drive like a maniac and make it tax deductible - Aridni
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Drive like a maniac and make it tax deductible

There are people everywhere who have the name of their company plastered to the side of their car. I’m sure you have seen hundreds of them, heck as a reader of Aridni, you might be driving one.

But as I journeyed across the country to new and exotic places, I saw my fair share of these. But what is really interesting is when you get cut off by these people.

Some people either fail to realize, or flat out just don’t care that when they have their company name on their car, they are representing their company. So by driving carelessly you give the impression of a careless company.

By being a responsible courteous driver, that reflects back on your company. Do you want people to think your business is a bunch of maniacs or just you the person?