All Roads Lead to Buffalo - Aridni
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All Roads Lead to Buffalo

Here on Aridni, I often talk about dreams and ideas. As everyone knows, unless you put them to use they will accomplish nothing.

The last thing that I want to do is be all talk and no results. That is why I am driving across the county over to Buffalo New York. I have a friend who lives over there.

The two of us will be spending the summer working on a couple of projects and business ideas. All of them are of varying difficulty and not necessarily closely related.

I will be returning to Montana this fall, hopefully we will have accomplished something noteworthy by then. If we don’t reach our dreams that’s to bad, but we’ll be able to say that we went out and tried.

If we can establish anything successful, that money will be gravy to help build my wealth.

I am getting out of the sheltered world of Montana and into the world of real business. I’m off to put everything to the test. Take every idea, value, and philosophy I’ve posted on Aridni (and some I have not yet written about) and apply that in the ever changing world of business.

With that, open road here I come!