Weekend homework: On the day’o green, don’t let some leprechaun steal your gold card - Aridni
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Weekend homework: On the day’o green, don’t let some leprechaun steal your gold card

Instead of tossing the seemingly hundreds of credit card applications in the trash, you might want to rethink your moves. I thought ripping the applications in half was enough; it wasn’t.

This man performed an experiment, which you can see great step-by-step images. He ripped up one of us his credit card applications to the size of quarters, then tapped it back together and mailed it to the credit card company. Guess what’the credit card company accepted his reaffixed application.

But he didn’t stop at that. On the application, he also changed the mailing address to his dad’s. Still accepted. He only gave his cell phone number’still accepted. The question is what if someone else had done this operation with his or your tossed application. All of a sudden, could someone else could be racking up a credit card under your name and destroying your credit?

Therefore, your homework is as follows: shred those suckers, burn those babies… and go have yourself a cold green beer. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.