The truth behind your real estate broker: translate the ads - Aridni
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The truth behind your real estate broker: translate the ads

Real estate brokers make money by selling properties, and not every property glows from within the country club or beautiful shopping areas. Some properties honestly look like dumps. The crummy locations are great for restoration projects, though Aridni thinks you might like a better sense of the advertised properties before you pick up the phone. We’ve translated some of the most popular (and misleading) words used to describe properties:

Well-maintained, well-kept, pristine, immaculate, or mint condition:

This property belonged to Grandma. She took wonderful care of everything with plastic couch covers and coasters. She also kept the orange metal cupboards from the 70’s and popcorn ceilings, it’s in great shape, though!


Less than 5-years-old.

Cozy or charming:
Read: small, tiny, minuscule

Not only small, this property is old.

Must see:
The location is crap. The exterior is crap. In fact, everything about the exterior setting is crap. The inside is rather nice, though.

Won’t last:
The property is priced below asking price in hopes to sell fast’often a unique property in a desirable neighborhood.

Motivated seller:
Quick, make an offer because the seller wants to sell. He wants to be done with this property.

Click here for Part 2.